Deadman's Cross Wiki
Rarity Epic Rarity
Strain Slasher Strain
Spawn Area Tumbleweed Casino
Shape Beast Shape
Catalog Collection No. 000202
Card No. 002029
Description Not even death can stop his journey to the west.
Links Deadman's Cross Cards
Sun Wukong
Ability Effect Psyche
Pulverize Strike +1 150
Hellish Gale Slasher +2 300
Beatdown Strike +2 300
F5 Slasher +3 600
Raking Nails Scratch +3 600
AS10-Cell Metabolism ATK/SPD +10% 400
Normal stats Health Psyche Attack Defense Speed Intelligence
Level 1 Average 804 801 899 715 949 866
Max Weak (95%) 1909 1901 2134 1697 2253 2056
Max Average (100%) 2010 2002 2247 1787 2372 2165
Max Perfect (110%) 2211 2202 2471 1965 2609 2381
Max Weak Boosted 2311 2301 2583 2054 2727 2489
Max Average Boosted 2412 2402 2696 2144 2846 2598
Max Perfect Boosted 2613 2602 2920 2322 3083 2814
Max Boost Points 402 400 449 357 474 433
Redeathed stats Health Psyche Attack Defense Speed Intelligence
Level 1 Average 804 801 899 715 949 866
Max Weak (95%) 2014 2007 2252 1791 2377 2170
Max Average (100%) 2121 2113 2371 1886 2503 2285
Max Perfect (110%) 2333 2324 2608 2074 2753 2513
Max Weak Boosted 2438 2429 2726 2168 2877 2627
Max Average Boosted 2545 2535 2845 2263 3003 2742
Max Perfect Boosted 2757 2746 3082 2451 3253 2970
Max Boost Points 424 422 474 377 500 457
Types vs Stats Table
Types vs Stats Table
Strain vs Strain Table
Slasher Strain Table